by Hampshire Constabulary History Society
Foreword by Olivia Pinkney QPM, Chief Constable of Hampshire Constabulary.
Remembering the Fallen: Vol II has been published in hardback format to mark the end of WWII.
At least 68 men from the Hampshire Constabulary and its constituent forces lost their lives due to ‘war operations’ during the Second World War. This book aims to explain how and why they died, and to record where they are buried or remembered.
Just over twenty years after the end of the First World War, Britain was once again thrust into conflict, a conflict that this time would be truly global, and one that would bring the ‘front line’ closer than anyone could ever have imagined.
Several similarities were immediately apparent, as with the ‘Great War’, all across Britain young men left cities, towns, and villages to enlist in the armed services, with those left behind stepping into fill the void created by their absence. Almost the whole population was involved in the war effort to some degree and policing was no exception. Young policemen were recalled to military service or sought permission to leave Police forces to take their place on the front line, their duties being undertaken by Police War Reserve Constables and members of the Special Constabulary.
However, unlike the Great War those police officers serving on the Home Front would also come into direct contact with the enemy; many would pay the ultimate sacrifice whilst serving their country.
Police officers served with the armed forces in all theatres of operation, with many volunteering for service as aircrew with the Royal Air Force and others in the newly-formed ‘Commando’ units. It is estimated that over 2,000 police officers lost their lives during the Second World War.
After the war, many Police forces created memorials to commemorate fallen colleagues, several of which, sadly, have been lost over time due to Police force amalgamations and police station closures. Of those that remain, many are displayed behind closed doors, inaccessible to the public who are often unaware of the sacrifices made by Police officers during this crucial time in our history.
Remembering the Fallen Vol II reminds us of the sacrifices made by police officers of the Hampshire Constabulary and its constituent forces who lost their lives during WWII as a result of war, either as a direct result of war operations overseas or on the home front.
This book aims to ensure that the men of this force who did not return from war are not just names carved on our memorials. "The living owe it to those who no longer speak to tell their story for them".
We Will Remember Them.
Published on the Blue Lamp Books imprint.
Vol I: 1914-1919 is available here, also at £10.00.