by members of the Jack the Ripper Photography Facebook group
* BUYING CLOSED! Many thanks for all who purchased a copy of this one-off print run book in aid of the Whitechapel Mission. It will go to print today (1 August) - you will be notified via email when the printer has shipped, and we’re able to provide a delivery estimate.
The streets of Whitechapel and Spitalfields, once terrorised by the infamous serial murderer "Jack the Ripper", are no stranger to change. The area has experienced monumental demolition and rebuilding over the last forty years, with many of the old Victorian buildings being swept away in the name of progress. In London, such change is inevitable, but fortunately there exists a group of photographers who have documented this transformation of "Ripperland" over the years.
Mango Books is proud to present A Vanishing Whitechapel : Remnants of 1888, a 152 page coffee table style hardback book featuring over 180 colour and black & white views of the changing face of Jack the Ripper's London taken between 1986 and the present day. With both pictorial and written contributions from twenty-eight members of the "Jack the Ripper Photography" Facebook group, the book is being sold to raise funds for the Whitechapel Mission charity which provides help and assistance for homeless people in east London.
This book is a one-off special edition; there will be no future reprints.
Pre-orders for this book are now open, and close on 31st July 2023. All orders must be placed by that date.
A4 Hardback, Landscape, 152 pages, in full colour throughout.
Individually numbered.